07.- 11.06.

VAD infrastructure committee

VAD Committee of Infrastructure

The VAD actively takes part in the ongoing reformation of scientific information infrastructures, following recent recommendations of the Scientific Council. It has also undertaken a comprehensive revision of the DFG-support policy in regard to supra-regional literature resources. The VAD takes into account the heightened relevance of this research infrastructure and is prepared to respond to the profound and rapid changes within this field.

Specifically, it is concerned with management and cooperation between existing African studies archives and libraries, taking an active part in the establishment of high quality curatorial practices and acquisition policies, surveying best-practice overviews and informing scholars about recent developments in this field.

For this reason, a working group on research and information infrastructure was formed in 2013 which, in the course of two meetings, developed initial guidelines that were subsequently adopted during the general assembly in 2014.

In addition, in 2014, a statutory committee of experts who can oversee these infrastructures was established. This statutory committee monitors developments in Germany, representing scholarly research on Africa in infrastructural matters. It actively engages in collaborative discussions with funding agencies and mediates heterogeneous interests. It also offers support in evaluative processes, helping with users’ advisory boards, and supporting the education of junior scientists by offering education in methods and research practices and infrastructures, especially in the appropriate design of curricula and degree programs.

See also:


Contact Persons

VAD Committee of Infrastructure members:

Susann Baller
Wissenschaftliche Programmleitung »Die Bürokratisierung afrikanischer Gesellschaften«, DHI Paris
Email: SBaller[at]dhi-paris.fr

Aïsha Othman
Afrika-Abteilung der Universitätsbibliothek J.C.S. Frankfurt/Main
Email: a.othman[at]ub.uni-frankfurt.de

Hauke Dorsch
AMA African Music Archives / Archiv für die Musik Afrikas
Email: dorschh[at]uni-mainz.de

Ulf Vierke
Email: ulf.vierke[at]uni-bayreuth.de

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