07.- 11.06.

Recent Posts by schmid

Certificate of participation for download

You can now download your personal certificate of participation under My Timetable > Download Certificate or by clicking here. You have to be logged in to get access. We can only issue standard certificates with your name. With 941 participants it is not possible to personalize more. The organizers
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Panel recordings online

The videos of those panels who decided to register their sessions are online now. Please see under Program or click here. The list will be updated constantly. Alle videos will be online for 14 days for registered users.
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Booklets online

Below and on this page you can download two versions of the conference program. The short version includes all events, all panels, the film program and all publishers information. The long version contains all that and furthermore the long abstracts of each presenter.   For questions or corrections, please contact: kira.kreft@gmail.com   Short version  …
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Opening ceremony: room change

Please note that the opening ceremony will take place in the Great Auditorium (not Zoom Room 1) as this event will take place in form of a Zoom Webinar.  
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Registration, username: trouble shooting

If you encounter problems during registration the main issue here is that you probably tried to create a username which consists of several words containing blank spaces or symbols. IMPOPRTANT: Do NOT use blank spaces for your username ! Just ONE word containing letters and figures  ! Please try if this works, otherwise send us…
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Film program is online. News on opening ceremony

The Film program is now online. Registered persons will be able to watch the films on the calendar date mentionned at any time. Due to the ongoing Corona crisis the live event at Frankfurt University on 2 June has been cancelled. The opening ceremony will take place in virtual form on Monday 7 June, 4.30…
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Registration is open. Website is under construction

Registration is now open - and its free. Please note that everybody has to register again, even if you were registered before to submit a paper. If you register you will have access to the Zoom session and to virtual meeting rooms for social interaction or work meetings. You will also have access to a…
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Registration will be free -and start on 15 April 21

We are delighted to announce that conference fees will be waived for all participants due to a generous financial support of DFG, Freunde und Förderer der Goethe-Universität, Stiftung zur Förderung der internationalen Beziehungen der Goethe-Universität and ZIAF. Registration is mandatory and will start on 15 April 2021.
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Partial Reopening of Call for Papers

The postponed VAD conference 2020 which will be organised in a hybrid format reopens the call for papers for selected panels only which will take place in a virtual conference from 7 to 11 June 2021. The Call will be open from 15 January to 15 March 2021. The applications have to be sent to…
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