07.- 11.06.

Time Table

Wednesday, 27 June 2018 - Young Scholars' Conference




9 am -
1 pm
Workshop ‘Academic Networking with Digital Tools’ Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum (GWZ)
1 - 2 pm Lunch break Mensa am Park (university cafeteria), Campus Augustusplatz
2 - 3 pm Guided city tour ‘Africa in Leipzig’ Stadtbibliothek (Municipal library), Wilhelm-Leuschner-Platz 10-11
3.30 -
5.30 pm
Round table ‘Connection and De-Connection in African Studies – State of the Art’ Campus Augustusplatz, Hörsaalgebäude, HS 8
6 - 8 pm Get together and academic speed dating Addis Café, Brüderstraße 39
8 - 10 pm Film session and public debate ‘Social Movements in Africa - Connecting Research and Activism’ Grassi Museum

Please note that the number of participants in the workshop and the guided city tour is limited.

For further information, please contact the organizers of the Young Scholars’ Conference Diana Ayeh & Kai Roder.


Thursday, 28 June 2018



from 8 am Registration desk open
8.30 - 10.30 am P 44 – Global Disconnections. Fragmentations of Knowledge and African Strategies of (Re-)Connecting
P 10 – Doing Language, Ethnicity, and Nation
P 14 – Land Use and Mobile Livelihoods: Intersectional Perspectives on Pastoralism, Migration, and Displacement
P 22 – Connections in Time: Utopia Between Past, Present, and Future
11 am -
1 pm
P 13 – Making Connections Through Collections: Namibian Objects in the German-Speaking Museum Landscape
P 33 – Large-Scale Infrastructure Projects in Africa: Visions, Governance, and Contestations in Multi-Scalar Perspective
P 11 – Archive, Promise, and the Future in African Contexts
P 08 – Infectious Connections: Humans, Nonhumans, and Life in the Global Health in Africa
P 23 – Les relations culturelles et économiques entre l’Afrique et l’Amérique latine
P 39 – Disenclaving the Planners’ Enclaves
P 51 – Transcontinental Analysis: What Are We Dealing With?
Round table – Feminism and LGBTIQ* Struggles in Africa and the Global North (Heinrich Böll-Stiftung)
2 - 4 pm P 66 – Africa and the World of Comics: Past and Present (double session)
P 06 – ‘Doing the City’ – Socio-Spatial Navigation in Urban Africa (double session)
P 16 – Religion, Cultural Differences, and Social Milieus in African Societies (double session)
P 03 – Changing Masculinities in Africa and Beyond (double session)
P 45 – Far Away and Still Here: The African Diaspora
P 01 – African-German Cooperation in Higher Education Between Aid and Trade
P 40 – African Agency and Environmental Governance
Round table – New Approaches to Collective Security for Regional Support Towards Sustainable Peace (Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung)
4.30 - 6.30 pm P 66 – Africa and the World of Comics: Past and Present (double session)
P 06 – ‘Doing the City’ – Socio-Spatial Navigation in Urban Africa (double session)
P 16 – Religion, Cultural Differences, and Social Milieus in African Societies (double session)
P 03 – Changing Masculinities in Africa and Beyond (double session)
P 31 – Africa’s Influence and Authority Building Beyond the Continent
P 24 – Bassin du lac Tchad : L’Islam tolérant menacé par la violence?
P 49 – Do I Stay or Do I Leave? Rural Transformations and Migration in Africa
Book launch
7 pm Keynote lecture (Amanda Hammar) and conference reception


Friday, 29 June 2018



from 8 am Registration desk open
8.30 - 10.30 am P 20 – Southern African Liberation Movements: Transnational Connections in Southern Africa and with Countries in the ‘East’ (1960–1994) (double session)
P 28 – Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in Africa (double session)
P 47 – Cross-Connections in African Literary and Cultural Studies (double session)
P 32 – The Struggle over Presidential Term Limits in Africa (double session)
P 50 – Social Media, New Affordances, and Participatory Citizenship in Africa (double session)
P 36 – African Megachurches, Network Christianity, and Politics
P 18 – Infrastructures’ Intimacies: Failure, Affectivity, and Promise
P 58 – Konnektivitätsverluste und ihre Bewältigung im kolonialen und postkolonialen Ostafrika
11 am -
1 pm
P 20 – Southern African Liberation Movements: Transnational Connections in Southern Africa and with Countries in the ‘East’ (1960–1994) ( (double session)
P 28 – Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in Africa (double session)
P 47 – Cross-Connections in African Literary and Cultural Studies (double session)
P 32 – The Struggle over Presidential Term Limits in Africa (double session)
P 50 – Social Media, New Affordances, and Participatory Citizenship in Africa (double session)
P 05 – Mobility, Control, and Suspicion in Colonial and Postcolonial Africa
P 41 – Emotional Connections – Religious Cultures in Africa
Round table – Global Dynamics in African Studies
2 - 4 pm P 09 – Prayers, Papers, and Procedures: Spiritual Bureaucracies/Bureaucratic Spiritualities in Africa
P 29 – Contested Frontiers: Conflicts on the Transformation of Countryside
P 27 – Processes of Re-Spatialization Around Violent Conflict in West Africa
P 04 – Universities as Nodes in Global Networks of Knowledge Production and Power: New Perspectives on Universities in African Countries
P 21 – Urban Struggles in Africa
P 63 – Beyond Public Debate – Empirical Approaches to the Study of Transnational and Transcontinental Migration
P 55 – Lifeworld and Technology
Round table – Die deutsche Afrikapolitik
4.30 - 6.30 pm P 25 – Transformations from Below in Conflicts over Resources
P 38 – Controlling Mobilities: Border Policing in Africa
P 34 – Historizing African NGOs: Boom and Crisis
P 02 – Educational Connectedness in Africa
P 07 – Concepts at Work
P 42 – At the Crossroads of Business, Finance, and Society: Exploring New Themes in Africa’s Economic History
P 52 – Material Morphosis: Trajectories, Connectivities, and Transformations in Fashion and Design
Round table – Einfacher Zugang zu richtig viel Material: Forschungsinfrastrukturen und Dienstleistungen für die Afrikaforschung
6.30 pm General meeting VAD e.V. (VAD members only)
7.30 pm Conference dinner and concert


Saturday, 30 June 2018



from 8 am Registration desk open
8.30 - 10.30 am P 59 – What Is Africa a Case of? Connecting General Theory and Local Contexts (double session)
P 17 – Mobility, Decolonization, and the Cold War: ‘Un-National’ Histories of African Migration (double session)
P 15 – African Contributions to Global Health
P 48 – Saharan Connectivities
P 61 – Connecting Through Transnational Markets in Africa: When Public Policy Fails to Regulate Local and Global Actors in the Demand-Supply Chain of Goods and Services in Demand
P 46 – Glocal (Dis)Connections of Values, Ideals, and Practices of Water Management in Africa
Round table – Africa’s Fragile Democracies (Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung)
11 am -
1 pm
P 59 – What Is Africa a Case of? Connecting General Theory and Local Contexts (double session)
P 17 – Mobility, Decolonization, and the Cold War: ‘Un-National’ Histories of African Migration (double session)
P 62 – On the saf(v)e Side – Informal Saving and Insurance Institutions in Africa and Its Diaspora
P 37 – Alliances as Part of Associative Strategies to Defend Rights That Are Socially and Legally Critical
P 64 – Leisure, Sports, and Their Dis/Connections in African Contexts
P 65 – Africans Across the Indian Ocean
Round table – The Compact with Africa – One Year Later


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