07.- 11.06.

Recent Posts by schmid

Finally: conference will be (mainly) virtual

The conference will take place online from 7 to 11 June 2021. The panels posted on this website have agreed thier participation. For some of the panels there will be a re-opening of the Call for Papers from 15 January to 15 March 21. More details to follow. On 2 June 21 there will be…
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ECAS postponement and VAD 2021

Dear all, as you might have heard ECAS Cologne will not take place in June 2021 but in June 2023. We are actually evaluating our possibilities but it is already clear that we will not postpone the VAD conference any further but will stick to the last dates (2 to 5 June 2021) and will…
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Postponement of VAD 2020 – decision taken

Due to the current corona pandemic, the conference of the African Studies Association in Germany (VAD) planned for September 2020 in Frankfurt unfortunately has to be postponed. In accordance with the relevant professional associations we decided to co-host it together with the European Conference on African Studies (ECAS) in Cologne from June 2-5, 2021 (https://www.ecasconference.org/2021/).…
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Conference will be postponed

Due to severe social distancing regulations at events and the imprevisibilty of international travel the conference cannot take place in September. A new date will be announced soon.
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New pages online

We added new pages on practical information. You can download the complete guide or visit the respective pages ont he venue, campus, going out, transportation and accomodation. The panel list has been updated. The programme of the Nachwuchstag / Young Scholar's Day, which will be in German only, is also online. The appication text of…
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Invitation of speakers from Africa

We will apply for funding at the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinsschaft (DFG) after 15 February 2020 to invite the maximum possible number of 30 guests from Africa. Please note that not all costs can be covered but only flight and accomodation for 4 nights. So you should have additional funds for visa application, transfers and food etc.…
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Call for Papers from 02/01/20 to 15/03/20

The Call for Papers will be open from 02/01 to 15/03/20 Please see the list of panels and round tables here. If you click on the link under each panel title you can read the full panel text and submit a paper. Everyone who wants to submit a paper has to register first (this is…
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