07.- 11.06.

Meet the Editors of Africa Spectrum

Africa Spectrum is a peer-reviewed open access journal dedicated to original research on the politics, societies, and economics of sub-Saharan Africa, both in contemporary and historical perspective. As a multidisciplinary journal committed to intellectual pluralism, Africa Spectrum welcomes submissions employing a variety of theoretical and methodological approaches from across the social sciences and humanities. Since 2003, the journal has collaborated closely with the African Studies Association in Germany (Vereinigung für Afrikawissenschaften in Deutschland, VAD). Learn more about the journal’s aims and scope, meet the editors, and discuss your ideas for articles, analytical reports, book reviews or special issues. We share insights and answer questions to help demystify the submission and review process.

June 10 @ 12:30
12:30 — 14:00 (1h 30′)

Zoom Room 3

Julia Grauvogel

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