07.- 11.06.



Search Panels

Number Date Panel Title Convenor(s)
P 01 June 09
10:30 — 14:00
Political participation and micro-politics in African
Tareq Sydiq
P 05 June 10
12:30 — 16:00
Lifeworlds in Crisis: challenging notions of difference Andrea Behrends Tyler Zoannin
P 06 June 07
10:30 — 14:00
Africa Plays: Leisure in Africa Tom Michael Mboya Florian Stoll
P 08 June 07
10:30 — 14:00
Challenging the Rule of Law: The African Laboratory Jonas Bens
Leonie Benker
P 09 June 08
10:30 — 12:00
Beyond the Nobel Prize for Peace – Turmoil and uneasy transformation in the Horn of Africa Magnus Treiber
Sabine Mohamed
P 10 June 10
10:30 — 14:00
Unpacking EU-West African migration governance: stakes, actors and colonial continuities Leonie Jegen
Franzisca Zanker
P 11 June 08
10:30 — 12:00
Challenging the institutional bias in research on education – multiplicities of learning processes in Africa Iris Clemens
Erdmute Alber
P 12 June 10
10:30 — 12:00
Moralities in an entangled world: On studying moral configurations and questions of change Martina Drescher
Eberhard Rothfuß
Eva Spies
P 13 June 07
14:30 — 16:00
Utopia(n) Challenges in Africa? Grinding Practices, Ethical Controversies Antje Daniel
Melina C. Kalfelis
P 15 June 11
10:30 — 12:00
Conceptualising religious infrastructures in Africa Yanti Hölzchen
Benjamin Kirby
P 16 June 08
12:30 — 16:00
Dying, death and burial – the ‘challenging’ functions of end-of-life rituals on the African continent Isabel Bredenbröker
Joh Sarre
P 18 June 10
10:30 — 12:00
The impact of mobile technologies on social structures in Africa Tamara Gupper
Roos Keja
P 21 June 09
10:30 — 14:00
In the shadows of autonomy: Decentralized state structures and local
contexts in Africa
Matthew Sabbi
Lamine Doumbia
P 24 June 09
10:30 — 14:00
The ‘Anglophone’ Conflict in Cameroon: Causes, Consequences and Conflict Resolution?<
James Kewir Kiven
Gordon Crawford
P 26 June 08
12:30 — 16:00
Lands of the Future – Futuremaking with Pastoralists in Africa Echi Christina Gabbert
Günther Schlee
P 27 June 07
10:30 — 14:00
Governing African mobility: actors, institutions and practices Johara Berriane
Elieth Eyebiyi
P 30 June 09
14:30 — 16:00
Questioning the coloniality of territory: the case of nineteenth century Ethiopia Felix Schürmann Woldemariam Ambo Zegeye
P 31 June 09
12:30 — 14:00
Sustainable investments in Africa: creating synergies of profits, people and planet Karin Wedig
Matthias Rompel
P 33 June 10
14:30 — 18:00
Challenges of the future – care for the afterlife in Africa and its diaspora Sophia Thubauville
Sabine Klocke-Daffa
P 35 June 08
14:30 — 18:00
Challenges of the revolution: Making, living and keeping the Sudanese revolution Valerie Hänsch
Mai Azzam
P 36 June 10
14:30 — 16:00
Adaptation to climate change and demographic Change in Africa: exposure and vulnerability assessments across different scale Gabriel Tati
P 37 June 11
12:30 — 14:00
Between Annexation and Appropriation or the Production of the Colonial Space Ute Hasenöhrl
Nicole Wiederroth
P 39 June 09
14:30 — 16:00
Seeing like a space: A methodological challenge for African Studies Susann Ludwig
Julia Büchele
P 41 June 09
10:30 — 12:00
The marketization of African wildlife encounter in safari tourism, conservation volunteering and trophy hunting Antje Schlottmann
Olivier Graefe
P 42 June 09
14:30 — 16:00
Challenging Notions of Education and Knowing: Islamic Practices of Teaching and Learning across Africa Anna Madeleine Ayeh
P 44 June 08
10:30 — 12:00
An African perspective on associations and the bureaucratization process Laure Carbonnel
Kamina Diallo
P 45 June 08
12:30 — 16:00
The challenge of misunderstandings in long-distance interconnections: Encounters, exchange and disparities in African history Susann Baller
Amadou Dramé
P 46 June 11
10:30 — 12:00
Post-truth” politics: Potentials and challenges for African studie Joschka Philipps
P 47 June 10
16:30 — 18:00
Transnational anticolonial spaces: challenges to nationalism Dmitri van den Bersselaar
Ngozi Edeagu
P 50 June 07
14:30 — 16:00
Writing a novel, or writing Africa? Recent fiction by writers from Africa and the challenge of addressing problems in African societies without reproducing hegemonic stereotypes about the continent Anja Oed
P 51 June 08
10:30 — 14:00
Critical Reflections on Knowledge Production and Representation in African Studies Alzbeta Sváblová
Diana B. Kisakye
Serawit B. Debele
P 52 June 11
10:30 — 12:00
African Universities or Universities in Africa Akiiki Babyesiza
Susanne Ress
P 53 June 11
14:30 — 16:00
What does it take to decolonize the VAD (Association of Africanists in Germany)? Hans Peter Hahn
Abimbola O. Adesoji
P 54 June 10
14:30 — 16:00
Opportunities and Challenges of Cooperative Provenance Research Lars Müller
RDD June 07
10:30 — 16:00
Research Data Day/Forschungsdatentag Kathrin Knodel Aisha Othman Anne Schumann Douosson
Round Tables / Editors:
RT 01 June 08
16:30 — 18:00
Germany and the Rwandan genocide: New evidence from the German Foreign Office’s archives Anton Peez Antonia Witt
RT 02 June 08
16:30 — 18:00
Providing Nuanced, Yet Coherent Assessments? Challenges for Social Science Research on Africa Julia Grauvogel
RT 03 June 09
14:30 — 18:00
Futures Lost, Found, and Restituted: Archives, Curatorship and the Politics of Audiovisual Heritage
in Africa
Vinzenz Hediger
RT 04 June 11
12:30 — 14:00
Forschungsfinanzierung in Afrika:Förderorganisationen und VAD – Ein neuer Dialog ? Stefan Skupien
RT 05 June 09
16:30 — 18:00
Social Security Coverage and Informal Employment – Implications of new Survey Data from six African Countries Friedrich-Ebert- Stiftung
RT 07 June 10
16:30 — 18:00
VAD Sahelausschuss: The governmental crisis in Burkina Faso and in Mali (in French) Helmut Asche Hans Peter Hahn
June 10
12:30 — 14:00
Meet the Editors of Africa Spectrum Julia Grauvogel
June 08
16:30 — 18:00
Book Launch Berghahn
June 09
16:30 — 18:00
Book Launch Nomos

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